MRP Automatisierungstechnik
Our service commences on the day your new or modernised quality control system becomes oper-ational. We do not only consider ourselves as a supplier and complete supplier of your quality control system, but also as your competent and flexible partner for the reliable support following the installation and acceptance. Production facilities are increasingly being switched off in cases, where the quality control system is not available. As a manufacturer you therefore require a so-phisticated, professional and predictable service concept.
We are committed to providing you with optimal services for the entire life cycle of your quality control system for cases where servicing, maintenance or optimisation is required.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority.
Betzer Automatisierungstechnik supports us in achieving this demanding aspiration. For decades, Mr Betzer and his team provide services for Lippke, Protagon and MRPsystems. Thus, we ensure professional service, support and training for your quality control systems.

Not only your car is subject to MOT, but also your quality control system. The regular mainte-nance of all components (preventive maintenance) increases the service life as well as the availa-bility of the system. This prevents cost-intensive downtimes and thus increases your productivity. Please feel free to contact us and we will gladly draft an appropriate maintenance contract for you.
A maintenance contract for a regular preventive maintenance performed by our trained personnel ensures the highest availability of your quality control system.
Since regular maintenance is key for avoiding expensive repairs. The contracts includes the costs for service visits and labour for several maintenance works (depending on your machine require-ments and your wishes) per year. Thus, the maintenance costs are predictable.
The maintenance contract with MRP Automatisierungstechnik GmbH or Heinz Betzer Automa-tisierungstechnik represents a comprehensive service package at fixed prices:
- Visual inspections of all components
- Electrical inspection of the sensors and the measuring frames
- Mechanical inspection of the traversing units and the replacement of wear parts, if re-quired.
- Adoption of the zero profile
- Issuing of an QLS status report and providing an offer for the elimination of possible defi-ciencies.
- Reduced prices for spare parts
Other Services
After commissioning, all functions of a QLS are tested and demonstrated. However, an optimisa-tion phase will frequently commence at this stage, which can increase the productivity of your machine. Take advantage of our experts to optimise your process sequences as well as your pro-duction and plant operation processes. Such optimisation phase can be performed cyclically, e.g. 2 times a year.
Replacement of radioactive preparations
Radioactive preparations should be replaced with new ones after their half-life period has expired. MRP offers to replace your radioactive preparations. MRP fulfils all statutory requirements for this purpose. Your old preparations will be disposed of in accordance with the applicable regula-tions. We provide you with the appropriate proof of disposal for your supervisory authority.